I was lucky to receive a Netgalley Arc of Sky Pirates by Alex English, illustrations by Mark Chambers which were wonderful and published by Simon & Schuster. I ended up getting a copy in my Tales By Mail Book Box and was so excited that I now had a physical copy of my very own.
I tried getting it onto so many TBR's but this month I was able to read it and I was not disappointed at all. I loved Echo as our main protagonist she had was so brave and intelligent and girls will love her. Horace on the other hand I found very annoying at the very start but as a character he had the most growth. I am not going to give this a synopsis as I feel it does not need one all you have to is pick it up and read it. I had now pre-ordered the sequel which is called Sky Pirates Dragon Gold. There is one character I have not mentioned and who should as he steals a lot of the scenes during the book because of his cuteness and cleverness - Gilbert who is a lizard and is Echo's friend. I love their love and respect for each other. For all these reasons I am giving this truly wonderful adventure 4 stars.